
Invoice billable hours

Automated invoicing
based on time tracking/planning

dedicated to freelancers

All your billable hours are just as valuable whether they are planned or tracked, and every minute counts.

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Automated invoicing for all your billable hours

Automated invoicing for all your billable hours

To make sure that you are invoicing all your billable hours accurately, you have the possibility to include both time-tracking entries and to-do items marked as "done" in an automated invoicing process.

As all calculations are done automatically, including those related to taxes and discounts, as well as the conversion of the time range from hourly format (hh: mm) to numeric format (2.56), you can always rely on your billing.

Invoice attachment automatically created

Invoice attachment auotmatically created

All your time entries, planned or tracked, may include a secondary description that will be displayed on the Invoice attachment. This is very useful, especially when you need it to be different from the description text in your entries.

The Detailed timesheet is optional and will be automatically created and displayed as an Invoice Attachment when you select this option.

Time tracking and billable hours

time tracking suitable for your needs
Start tracking button
Start tracking button

All your time tracking entries that have an hourly rate and are defined as billable will be included in your automated invoice.

You will always know which time tracking records you have already invoiced, because they are marked with the invoice number in which they were included.

Time planning and hourly billing

Time planning and hourly billing

All your planned hours will also be taken into account for invoicing, as long as they have an hourly rate and they are set as billable.

You can access your Time Management Reports in a concise format, grouped by Clients, Projects, or Activities, as well as in a detailed format that includes everything about each individual entry.


Time tracking and billable hours

In addition to your billable hours, you can also issue invoices for anything else you need. The template is in an editable format and you can fill it in exactly as you need, including taxes and discounts.

Paid invoices can be marked as such and in this way you will be able to see at any time the balance of unpaid versus paid invoices.

Project estimation

Better sooner than later
Better sooner than later
Better sooner than later

This feature helps you estimate as accurately as possible the time you need to work on a project.

The Project estimation can be exported in Excel, for further calculations or to be sent to the Client.

Once you set a start date and time for a project estimation entry, it will automatically turn into a To-do item that will appear in both your planning list and your Calendar.

More posibilities on Invoicing

See all of PlanArty's time management Features, Tools and Techniques

How can I access all of this?

Who is PlanArty for?

Determined people

a smiling determined woman

Use your time wisely, focus on fulfilling all your big dreams, and enjoy the success


freelancer sitting at a desk in front of a calculator

Work smart, save your time and energy, be productive, and thrive at what you do

Small business owners

bunsiness owner runnning

Simplify the way you work, accomplish more in less time and grow your business