Optimize your productivity with PlanArty’s time tracking feature. Learn how to track billable hours, manage projects efficiently, and maintain accurate records to enhance workflow and maximize earnings.
Organize tasks effectively with PlanArty’s to-do list feature. Learn how to create, manage, and prioritize items for optimal productivity, from setting deadlines to tracking task progress seamlessly.
Organize future tasks with PlanArty’s Someday Tasks feature. Easily save, categorize, and revisit ideas or goals you plan to tackle later, ensuring nothing important slips through the cracks.
Track planned hours vs. actual time spent with PlanArty’s Planned Day vs Real Day feature. Improve time management by analyzing discrepancies to better estimate tasks and balance productivity goals.
Optimize productivity with PlanArty’s Workflow feature. Seamlessly transition from estimates to invoicing, track time, and adjust schedules with ease for an efficient, continuous workflow.
Personalize your PlanArty experience with extensive customization options. Set your preferences for themes, time zones, currency, billing, and project details to optimize productivity and align with your workflow.
Stay organized with PlanArty’s Calendar feature. Manage your day, week, or month by scheduling tasks, tracking time, and adjusting plans seamlessly to boost productivity and streamline your workflow.
Efficiently manage billing with PlanArty’s Invoicing feature. Learn how to create, customize, and track invoices with ease, ensuring accurate payments and streamlined financial workflows for your business.
Streamline time tracking with PlanArty’s Detailed Timesheet feature. Track hours, billable amounts, and export data for easy invoicing, ensuring transparency and accuracy in your workflow.