In the left menu access Business → Calendar
Select whether you want to see your Calendar for the
- Day
- Week
- Month
Choose if you want to see your
- Planning (To-do list items) – identified by a pushpin icon
- Time tracking recording – identified by a stopwatch icon
- All items – both planning and tracking
Note: the planned items marked as “Done” will be displayed in a lighter shade and a strikethrough description
On the Calendar you can:
- Create new planning by selecting the time frame where you want to include it, this opens the “Create To-do item” window
- Change the time frame of a To-do item with Drag & Drop
- Change the duration of a To-do item by dragging its bottom edge
- Edit the records (both tracking and planings) by clicking on them
Use the right-click to access one of the options in the lists
- For time-tracking records: Clone, Edit only the description, Edit the record
- For To-do list items: Start, Set as done, Edit the record, Clone, Delete
Note: The Calendar is also displayed on the Dashboard